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Négligence et développement du langage

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Filiatrault-Veilleux, P., Yoxall, J., Desmarais, C., & Sylvestre, A. (2024). A longitudinal investigation of inferential comprehension in French-speaking preschoolers: results from the ELLAN study. 


Filiatrault-Veilleux, P., Desmarais, C., Bouchard, C., Esau, E., & Sylvestre, A. (2024). Inferential                                                        comprehension abilities in  French-speaking preschoolers exposed to neglect in the Early                                                              Longitudinal Language and Neglect study, Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research,


Sylvestre, A., Di Sante, M., Julien, C., Bouchard, C., & Mérette, C. (2023). Developmental trajectories of

speech and language in neglected children aged 3 to 5 years: Results of the ELLAN study. Child Abuse

& Neglect

Julien, C., Bouchard, C., Leblond, J., Sylvestre, A. (2021). Quality of Interactions in ECE Settings and

mean length of utterances among 4-year-old neglected children: Results from the ELLAN Study. 

First Language. doi: 10.1177/0142723720984058

Di Sante, M., Sylvestre, A., Bouchard, C., & Leblond, J. (2020). Parental behaviors associated with the

level  of  pragmatic language ability among 42-month-old neglected children. Child Abuse and Neglect.

doi: 10.1016/j.chiabu.2020.104482 

Di Sante, M., Sylvestre, A., Bouchard, C., & Leblond, J. (2019). The pragmatic language skills of severely

neglected 3.5-year-olds. Child Maltreatment, 24, 244-253. doi: 10.1177 /1077559519828838.

Julien, C., Sylvestre, A., Bouchard, C., & Leblond, J. (2019). Morphosyntactic Development and Severe

Parental Neglect in 4-Year-Old French-Speaking Children: ELLAN study. Child Maltreatment, 24, 254-264.

doi: 10.1177/1077559519829249 



Julien, C. (2019). Relation entre le niveau de développement morphosyntaxique d'enfants négligés

âgés  de 4 ans et la qualité des interactions dans le groupe en services de garde éducatifs. Thèse

de doctorat, Université Laval.


Di Sante, Mélissa (2020). Relation entre les comportements parentaux et le niveau de

développement des habiletés pragmatiques du langage chez des enfants négligés. Thèse de

doctorat, Université Laval.

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